What is the course syllabus for FB Ads Mastery?
Here's the course syllabus/video list for this course:
Facebook Ads Bootcamp
- Hail Mary Advertising
- Campaign Goals Calculator
- Facebook Ads Budget Calculator
- Ads Profit Maximizer
- FU Funnels
- You Should Test That
- Right Song, Wrong Decade
- Sample Play - Ice Ice Baby
- The All-Knowing Zuckerithm
- FB Ads Mastery Section 1 Quiz
Navigating Facebook Ads
- Creating a New Facebook Ads Account
- Understanding Your Facebook Ads Account Structure
- Creating Sample Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads
- Audience Targeting Settings
- Navigating Billing, Payments, and Account Settings
- Facebook Business Manager
- FB Ads Mastery Section 2 Quiz
How Facebook Ads Works
- Account Access and Structure
- Structuring Your Campaigns
- Ad Sets and Ad Placements
- Creating Your Ads
- Determining Audience Size
- Building Audiences
- The Facebook Pixel
- Tracking Events and Conversions
- Ad Policies
- Ad Guidelines
- Budgeting and Scheduling
- Base Metrics for Understanding Results
- Locating What You Need in the Facebook Ads Interface
- The Facebook Ad Auction
- FB Ads Mastery Section 3 Quiz
Finding The Right Audience
- Introduction: Interrupt vs Intent Advertising
- Audience Research
- Six Audiences Everyone Should Build
- Building Custom Audiences
- Lookalike Audiences
- Detailed Targeting and Audience Testing
- Data Organization and Naming Conventions
- Audience Insights and Overlap
- FB Ads Mastery Section 4 Quiz
Getting Your Data Right
- Introduction: Giving Facebook Ads the Data it Needs
- Integrating Facebook Ads Pixel Events with Your Website
- Pixel Events Implementation via Google Tag Manager
- Integrating Google Analytics and FB Ads
- Running Reports within Facebook Ads
- Reporting Facebook Ads Performance in Google Data Studio
- Bonus: Consolidated PPC Report for Facebook, Google, and Bing Ads
- FB Ads Mastery Section 5 Quiz
Earning a Positive Return on Investment
- Bidding Strategies
- Campaign Objectives and Advertising Strategies
- Measuring Attribution from Facebook Ads
- Ad Testing and Monitoring
- Developing Your Ad Creative
- Ad Relevance, Quality, and Diagnostics
- Keeping Your Ads Clean
- Account Performance Optimization Process
- FB Ads Mastery Section 6 Quiz
Data Driven FB Ads - Earn Your Certificate
- Take the Final Quiz
Learn more and enroll in the FB Ads Mastery course or learn more about all our Data Driven Programs.