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Using WordPress and Google Analytics, how can we integrate & track 3 pages into a single analytics report?

Complete Question: We run a WordPress based web directory listing healthcare practitioners with a profile page in English, Spanish and German, which is represented in Analytics as independent pages. How can we integrate these 3 pages into a single analytics report?

It sounds like you are trying to consolidate /en/doctor-name/ with /de/doctor-name/ and /es/doctor-name/ and send a report to the individual doctor.

You could create individual reports for each professional in Google Data Studio, but that's not very efficient. You could use content groups, but I'm not sure that you would want to make a content group for each Professional, though it's possible.

You can actually build 1 content group for Professionals, and then group each of the listed practitioners individually using URL parameters or code. So it is possible to do with content groupings.

That's the recommended way to do it if you don't mind the maintenance for a rule for each listed practitioner.

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