Who is Data Studio Mastery for?

Data Studio Mastery is designed to help both those with no knowledge of how to use GDS and experienced GDS users advanced their skills.

In this training program, we’ll start with the basics and build your aptitude quickly. From setting up a new GDS account to using blended data and calculated metrics, will cover beginner to advanced skills.
We’ll also spend a lot of time working on a reporting strategy. The biggest problem that holds people back in Data Studio is they don’t know what to report on, or how to organize their reports.
Inside the course, we are going to give you a reporting strategy framework, a checklist, and dashboard templates to help figure out which data visualizations will provide the most value to your business, clients, or team members. We are going to help you build impactful reports that capture your marketing strategy, as well as your KPIs and targets.

Learn more and enroll in our Data Studio Mastery course or learn more about all Data Driven Programs

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