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Will pay per click (PPC) advertising work (be profitable) for my business?

It's hard to tell if PPC will work without researching click costs. But before you advertise, you should know your average deal size, Lifetime Value (LTV) of customer and other metrics to support whether advertising is profitable or not. 

Search ads are best used when you want to expand your existing funnel to have more reach. They don't work well if you don't have a sales funnel mapped out and your not generating leads already.

Our Google Ads Spend Analysis Tool (Google Ads Budget Calculator spreadsheet) can help you estimate the cost and impact PPC can have for your business.

If you've purchased the Google Ads Mastery Course, then you can access this resource and accompanying video by logging into your Data Driven account and visiting your resources page

Here is the direct link to the lesson covering this topic

If you are new to Data Driven, then you can download the Google Ads Spend Analysis Tool

When you are ready you can learn more and enroll in the Google Ads Mastery Course.

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